Apply for participation in the biobridge-2019 program
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Acceleration program

ChemRar Group, jointly with RDI Group and with the support of NeuroNet Branch Union, announce the launch of the first international program in Russia for innovative drug development projects.

Projects, industrial and information partners, investors are invited to participate
Application Dates: March 30 — June 30, 2019
Accelerating R&D and pharmaceutical innovations
01. Project assessment by R&D leaders
02. Investments by Russian and EU partners
03. Piloting MVPs by industrial partners
04. Grants and PR/GR support from development institutions in Russia and the EU
05. A unique offer for projects
The biobridge-2019 program is aimed to attract investments and partners to enter Russian and European markets
Participants will receive expert support and networking from accelerator's partners, the opportunity to receive project grants for MVP elaboration, will present projects during demo days in Russia and Austria, receive support till the deal is concluded and will get special offers from partners.

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Project Selection and Acceleration Tracks

Discovery: In vitro development, innovative mechanisms of action and biotargets
— New pharmaceutical compounds with a proven mechanism of action and biotarget
— New pharmacological biotargets and target-oriented assays designed to search for new pharmaceutical compounds
— New solutions and models for in vitro testing (screening) of patentable chemical and biological compounds
— New technologies to determine the mechanism of action for active chemical and biological compounds
Development: Innovative pharmaceuticals in vivo, preclinical proof-of-concept
— Patentable new chemical and biological pharmaceutical compounds with confirmed efficacy in vitro and in vivo
— Innovative drugs in final preclinical studies and pharmaceutical development stage
— Innovative drugs at the phase 1-2 clinical proof-of-concept
Go2Market: Innovative projects in clinical development and those already approved, clinical proof-of-concept, Russian and EU market launch
— Innovative drugs at Phase IIb-III in local and international clinical trials
— Innovative drugs that have completed clinical trials and are approved in Russia, aimed at EU market launch
— New modifications of known APIs with significant clinical advantages and EU market launch potential
Digital Drugs: Innovative treatment methods and digital drugs using AI and big data
— AI/DL/DB-based digital technologies and solutions aimed to increase the efficacy and patient adherence to certain drugs
— AI solutions in the diagnosis of socially significant diseases aimed to improve the efficacy of treatment with certain drugs
— AI solutions in the diagnosis and treatment of CNS diseases

biobridge-2019 accelerator timings

Preliminary selection
Projects selection for the main accelerator tracks
July 25
July 25
Selection Day
Projects presentation and selection for further participation in acceleration
July - September
July - September
Working with mentors and accelerator experts
Elaboration of individual goals and project hypotheses, developing MVPs for investment
September 26-27
September 26-27
Demo Day EU - viennacontemporary
Presentation of the best projects at European industry events Vienna Contemporary 2019
Offers from investors — accelerator partners
6-12 months
6-12 months
Follow-up program
Project support under the acceleration contract until agreements are concluded with investors
The main acceleration program success criterion: a project should receive an order or investment for the pilot in 6–12 months

Organizers and Partners

Organizer: The industry alliance Neuronet

A state industry alliance with numerous research and technological centers and educational and business institutions engaged in social and commercial projects in the following fields: neuropharmacology, neuromedicine, neuroentertainment and sports projects, neuroeducation, neurocommunication and marketing, neuroassistants.

General Partner: RDI Group

The company provides strategic and portfolio financing in the field of innovations, cutting-edge technologies, telecommunications, and consulting. Its unique business line is built around investments in cultural projects, including their flagship project: the art fair viennacontemporary.

General Partner: ChemRar Group

The Group unites multiple research and investment companies in Russia and abroad in the field of development and commercialization of innovative pharmaceutical products, diagnostic tools and new methods of treating life-threatening diseases.

Program Operator

Investment fund "Mestorozhdenie"

One of the leading operators and sponsors of acceleration programs for corporations, startups, and active entrepreneurs. We help businesses grow exponentially through our individual development programs and weekly interactions. We understand the business needs and clearly see the potential of each team and each project we help.

Managing Partner: Vladimir Korovin

> Entrepreneur since 1996. Businessman. Investor. Troubleshooter.
> Established and successfully ran a group of IT companies (e-commerce, systems integration, hardware supply and production) with a yearly turnover of ~1 billion rubles.
> Expert in business development, investments, business financing, and acceleration programs.
> Partner of the acceleration fund "Mestorozhdenie"


Dmitry Kravchenko
Doctor of chemical sciences, General Director of Chemical Diversity Research Institute
Project scientific novelty assessment, drug discovery early stages, preclinical, clinical and pharmaceutical drug development
Sir Konstantin Novoselov
Nobel laureate in physics, Professor at University of Manchester, Professor at National University of Singapore
Project scientific component and project novelty assessment
Josef Penninger
MD, Director of the Life Sciences Institute at the University of British Columbia in Canada
Project scientific component assessment, clinical and preclinical studies, oncology, osteoporosis
Ulrich Elling
PhD in Natural Sciences, Team Leader at Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Vienna, Austria
Project scientific component assessment, molecular biology, genetics
Gerhard Puttner
Professor, Doctor of commercial sciences, entrepreneur, Owner/ CEO/ CD at DR.PUTTNER USP+ and Dr. Puttner Communications, lecturer at Vienna University of Economics and Business
Assessment of the team and project commercial potential, investment attractiveness assessment
Markus Huber
Entrepreneur, Vice-President for International Business at RDI Group Moscow, Growth Partner at Speedinvest Digital East, CEO at RDI Digital
Assessment of the team and project commercial potential, investment attractiveness assessment
Martin S. Denzel
Ph.D, Independent Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, co-founder of Acus Laboratories GmbH and
a scientific advisor to JLP Health GmbH
Assessment of scientific component and novelty of the project, clinical and preclinical studies, metabolic and genetic regulation of aging
Балакин К.В.
Doctor of chemical sciences,
Professor of Kazan Federal University
Medical chemistry, drug discovery early stages, scientific novelty assessment
Dr. Cornelius Granig
CEO and Author, is a partner in the consulting industry, providing advice to clients in the area of digitalisation and cyber security
Project commercial potential and perspectives assessment, investment attractiveness assessment
Yan Ivanenkov
Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Head of Laboratory for Medical Chemistry and Bioinformatics at MIPT
Insilico, medical chemistry
Vladimir Konyshev
General Director of Neurobotics Company, Deputy Head of NeuroNet NTI
Neuroassistant technologies, CNS
Aleksey Ilin
Doctor of chemical sciences,
Deputy general director for science and production at "API-technologies" company, ChemRar Group
Assessment of the scientific novelty of the project, early stages of drug discovery, development and production of API
Ruben Karapetyan
Candidate of biological Sciences,
Director of the Department of Pre-Clinical Research at ChemRar Group
Preclinical studies, cell biology, drug development
Natalia Vostokova
Candidate of pharmaceutical sciences,
Executive Director at "IPharma" LLC
Clinical studies
Alexander Melerzanov
Candidate of medical sciences, MD,
Dean of the Faculty of Biological and Medical Physics at MIPT
Cell technologies, cardiology, radionuclide medicine, clinical research
Yuri Krasnenkov
Director of Business Development Department at ChemRar Research Institute, Deputy General Director for Development at Chemical Diversity Research Institute
Assessment of teams and project commercial potential, investment attractiveness assessmet
Nikolay Merkin
Candidate of economical sciences,
General director of "ChemRar Ventures"
Assessment of technology commercial potential and projects market prospects
Natalia Papazova
MBA, Executive Director of JSC Chemical Diversity Research Institute
Drug pharmaceutical development and production
Sergey Restevanyan
General director of BioIntegrator Company
Development and production of biotechnological drugs
Alexander Kaplan
Candidate of biological sciences,
Professor, Head of the Laboratory for Neurophysiology and Neurocomputer Interfaces, Moscow State University Faculty of Biology, Department of Human and Animal Physiology
Expertise of neurotechnologies, projects scientific novelty assessment
Nicolai Rodimov
Regional Manager for Central and Eastern Europe and CIS at the Vienna Business Agency
Project commercial potential assessment, investment attractiveness assessment
Irene Fialka
CEO of INiTS, Vienna's University Business Incubator (UBI), has a background in genetics/molecular biology and has worked with deeptech startups since 2004
Project commercial potential and perspectives assessment, investment attractiveness assessment
Prof. Pierluigi Nicotera
MD PhD, Scientific Director and Chairman, German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Professor of Neurodegeneration, University of Bonn, Germany
Assessment of scientific component and novelty of the project, cardiology, biochemical toxicology, neurodegeneration
Evgeny Gorodny
Entrepreneur, Investor, CEO & President Digital Medic GmbH, Inbiotech Gmbh, Member of the Board BioMedia LLC, MDK LLC
Project commercial potential and perspectives assessment, investment attractiveness assessment

Apply for participation in the
biobridge-2019 program

Contact details for participants and partners

Please send your questions and suggestions to
or contact us by phone +7 (495) 925-3074
Projects and Applications
Andrey Sizyukhin

Experience and Portfolio
Industrial Partners
European Partners
Information Partners
Business Development Manager, ChemRar Research Institute
Extensive experience in attracting new clients for high-tech companies. Concluded over 100 commercial drug development agreements in Russia. Work with key Russian development institutions, three state contracts have been implemented within ChemRar projects, and over ten externally. Employed by ChemRar Group since 2011.
General Director of ChemRar Research Institute
Successful launch of the first innovative drug in Russia for the treatment of HIV, Elpida. Over 28 years in international and Russian sales of ChemRar R&D services, more than 50 successful deals with major pharmaceutical companies
Development Director, RDI Group
Extensive experience in international communications and high-tech projects management.
Over 10 years in IT: SPN, Yota, MTS.
Until 2016, Chair of the Saint Petersburg Committee for Tourism Development.
Director of Public Affairs, ChemRar Group
PR and GR programs to support innovative development and production divisions of ChemRar Group.
Support of Neuronet Branch Union programs, Pharma2020, experience with key development institutions in Russia
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2.7. Данное согласие на обработку персональных данных действует бессрочно, но может быть отозвано субъектом персональных данных на основании личного заявления, направленного по электронной почте Администрации Сайта.

2.8. Администрация Сайта обязуется использовать персональные данные Пользователя, полученные в результате использования Сайта в соответствии с требованиями законодательства о защите персональных данных, в том числе федерального закона № 152-ФЗ от 22.02.2017 «О персональных данных» в редакции, действующей на момент обработки таких персональных данных.

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